
Showing posts from April, 2018

Your Corporate Wellness Education Program Problem Emphatically Solved

Organizations are the sum of their actors. When one participant is weak, it affects the whole. Real leaders look for solutions to this; they look for ways to improve the minimum baseline of their weakest links and strengthen the hierarchies above them. Whether it’s in the domain of exercise, nutrition, or education, you as a problem solver are tasked with sourcing a wellness program that works. Enter Notevantage . Notevantage is an educational subscription product/service that extracts the best tidbits from the best non-fiction books and emails them to subscribers every Monday. Why so special? The creator of the site and writer behind the notes is me, a dynamically intelligent entrepreneur and still licensed attorney whose primary strength is simplifying complex subjects. I extract and curate fine gold from a myriad of non-fiction books and then deliver it to subscribers in an easy to understand flow of information. Here’s the basic outline: Summary of Tidbit Commentary &...